Tuesday, March 26, 2013

BEHOLD racked and printed

Printed and done. This is a limited edition print run of 25. I'll be selling it this year at TCAF, Stumptown, and Grand Comics Fest some check it out and get your D&D fluorescent beholder groove on! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


So much silkscreening, so much comic drawing, so much storyboarding. This is not a complaint. Just a bit tired. But let us shake that up with a scourge of every D&D party and oft producer of the dreaded TOTAL PARTY KILL- The Beholder. I screened this guy up today while I watched in amazement as my studiomate Jen Tong ran laps around me at the silkscreen lab. Totally blew my mind and inspired me to try harder.

beer time then sleepy time.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

New Festival this Summer

I've been invited to exhibit in a new Brooklyn based "Grand Comics Festival". I think it's going to be good fun and it's a great time when there aren't a lot of other festivals going on (MoCCA used to be in the summer when it was still a festival I liked). So, if you're in Portland for Stumptown, Toronto for TCAF or Brooklyn for the Grand Comics Fest come check my work out!