Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I'm Back and I'm going to be at the BCGA this weekend!

I didn't really go anywhere. I've just been busy- which is a lame excuse for not posting anything in over a month. But I have been! All sorts of writing and research and research and teaching "Creating Independent Comics" at SVA and some drawing of storyboards and more research- did I mention research? Yeah- My next big book project is about the 1964 Civil Rights Act and as with any with any non-fiction project that I do- I have to do my best attempt at covering all the bases- I've set a deadline of the January first for the first draft and I'm determined to hit it!

In other news I- with Rabid Rabbit will be a the Brooklyn Comics & Graphic Arts Festival this Saturday! it'd be awesome to see you there! It's FREE! no reason not to go now!